02 February 2021

Danger Tofu


Want to spice up your tofu? Well, this one is for you!
This recipe is also easily adaptable to be veggie & vegan friendly :) 
Effort: 2/3

- Tofu
- Garlic
- Spring Onion
- Sugar Snap Peas
- Doubanjiang
- Salt
- Sugar
- Soy sauce
- Oyster Sauce [mine is the regular stuff but there is a veggie/ vegan version OR you omit it all together, it's just for depth of flavour so not essential!]

- Finely mince the garlic. I only had one clove to hand, you can use more if you like!
- Slice the onion into thins. You can dice if you prefer, I just wanted t mix up the shapes.
- Removed the ends and stringy bit of the peas and chop.
- Dice the tofu.

Let's Cook!
1.  Once the pan has heated, add some oil and fry off the garlic on medium-high until fragrant. 

2. Add the onions and shortly after add the tofu as well. Turn the heat to medium and gently fry until the tofu starts to brown.

3. Finally add the beans - I added them last so they will still have a bit of a cronch!

4. When everything has started browning nicely, we can add the seasoning! I used approx one flat tsp of sugar and just shy of one flat 1/2tsp (I think that's what that little spoon is?) of salt. 
That's my personal taste, you can season as you like!

5. Now we're going to make the sauce!  
First, add some water to the pan. All in all I used about half a rice bowl.

6. I used about a tbsp of each sauce then added a little extra oyster sauce. If you're making this for the first time, I would use a tsp, taste it and slowly add as you go.
Veggie & Vegan friends - you can omit the oyster sauce or use Lee Kum Kee's Vegetarian Oyster Flavoured Sauce instead :) 

7. And now we make it dangerous!
If this is your first time making this or you're not well acquainted with doubanjiang, start with small amounts and taste your sauce as you go. I overall used about 1.5 tsp and I'd give it a danger rating of medium danger BUT I have a pretty low spice tolerance. 

8.  After you've reached your optimum danger level (you can also add more of the other seasonings too at this stage if required) we can thicken up the sauce with a cornflour + water solution. 
I like my sauce coating my food so I reduced it a fair bit. I suggest mixing 1tbsp of cornflour to 1tsp of water then adding it slowly until the sauce reaches your desired consistency. 

9. Finally, add the chopped sprint onions (leave a little to garnish if you like) and serve!

Let's eat!


Tofu x3 blocks - 90p
Sugar Snap Peas (half pack) - 13p
Garlic - 2p
Onion - 6p
Spring onion - 5p
= £1.16

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